Descrizione di Corso
Is the process of using facts and narrative to communicate something to your audience.
Story Telling is an art and as an art it requires creativity, skills, practice
- Creativity: use metaphore to engage your public
- Skills: you need skill to public speaking and entertainment
- Practice: you should try and try again, the practice is a trial to get storytelling maestryA Good Story should be:
- Educational: spark curiosity and add knowledge bank to your listener
- Including: everyone need to feel like a part of your story, maybe relate himself to some character
- Amazing: use the tone of your voice to emphasize the pathos of the story
- Organized: follow a scheme to convey the right core of the message
- Memorable: get stick in your audience memory
You are a Tourist Guide, you have a lot of themes at your disposal but also a different kind of people with different interests in front of you.
You need to get their attention and keep it during your tales.
The storytelling techinques will serve you to be able to convey informations, historical notions to your public.
Aura Coaching Academy gives to you the right method to manage your tours and your storytelling skills.

PNL & Business & Team Coach, Consulente Metodo Disc, Formatrice Internazionale di Aziende e Professionisti in Inglese-Italiano-Tedesco. Imprenditrice e fondatrice di AuraCoachingAcademy, Europe4KidsTours, Passion4Travel, RomeCookingAcademy. Aiuta imprenditori e lo staff a trasformare obiettivi in risultati di successo e ad ottimizzare la loro performance.